August 1, 2022
Our mission is to implement reusable medical waste containers at as many healthcare facilities as possible. Whenever ‘reusable’ is mentioned, the next question is ‘how do you ensure cleanliness?’
In the case of a sharps container this question’s importance is compounded by the fact that the majority of their use is in clinical environments requiring the highest adherence to infection prevention.
We will cover from all angles of cost, cleanliness, sustainability and safety, why the switch to reusable sharps containers is worthwhile!
The concern of cross infection between clinical locations and hospitals is demonstrated through the increased international focus on hand hygiene, cleaning products and isolation zones. Quite simply, any question around cleanliness or infection control is not worth the patient or human risk.
Sharps containers are not a patient use device and several decades of commercial use, together with guidelines from the US Centers of Disease Control confirm the innocuousness of sharps containers in disease transmission risk.
A recent study examining Clostridium Difficile transmission potential with reusable sharps containers, categorically disproved any role that reusable sharps containers could have in transmitting C Difficile.
Prions (infectious protein particles) in a sharps container, while very unlikely, pose no risk to patients, staff or factory workers, however such probabilities are again not worth the human risk. Daniels’ approach to decontamination is “let’s assume the worst and ensure that our solution eliminates all possible risk.”
Taking this approach towards the development of our world-first Sharpsmart reusable sharps container, led us to not only develop a sharps container uniquely compatible to surface cleaning within a hospital environment, but also an accompanying robotic washing process that has achieved unprecedented decontamination results and been vetted by independent microbiological testing.
A study published by microbiologist Terry Grimmond attested to Daniels’ industry-leading approach to sharps and medical waste container washing via its robotic washsmart.
"The Washsmart cleaning process was independently tested by coating 17 Gallon Medismart bins with 6-log blood suspensions of Staph aureus and E. Faecalis. On swabbing them after the wash, no challenge organisms were detected - this is a very high level of decontamination."2
In Daniels’ robotic cleaning process, each container is robotically unlocked, decanted of contents and subjected to a 6-stage washing process that exceeds the decontamination parameters of any washing process tested for reusable containers.
This process is more comprehensive than the washing stages of a hospital dishwasher! And is similar to that enforced for surgical instruments.
Daniels Sharpsmart containers have been used for over 19 years in more than 2000 hospitals worldwide without a single suggestion of cross-infection.
Well, there is the argument “you never have to buy a disposable sharps container again”… Which in itself is pretty compelling! But let’s dig a little deeper.
The lifespan of a Daniels reusable Sharpsmart container is greater than 10 years with a lifecycle analysis of 500+ uses. Equating this to purchasing terms, for every single Sharpsmart container, 500 disposable sharps containers must be purchased, stored, transported, treated (along with its sharps contents), and then landfilled.
Across the cradle to grave continuum, a disposable sharps container presents a far greater environmental impact than ‘excess plastic filling landfills’, it requires a unique allocation of resources and cost outlay in purchasing and inventory management.
Our 30+ years servicing the global healthcare industry has helped us shape some pretty accurate statistics around the number of disposable sharps containers that need to be manufactured to compete with a single reusable sharps container. Even with 33 years behind us, the numbers still astound us. One of the most recent studies conducted in Loma Linda hospital in California revealed the following:
Cost, purchasing, sustainability impact and staff safety are all variables directly impacted by the transition from a disposable to reusable sharps container, and at Daniels, we are not shy in boasting that we have the safest sharps container in the world!
Reference: Laura Wakelam, Chief Marketing Officer - Daniels Health